RE: Error: Inventory Valuation Report: The Item Location Variant Buffer already exists
Hello I Gusti,
Thanks for your reply. I extracted this report (10139) from the latest CU54 code and applied to our environment but still see the same issue. I guess the table 10139 should also be updated, but then faced the below error:
The main changes on this table is on the field definition as below:
---------- Before (BEFORE) ---------- Table 10139 ---------- Fields ------------
{ 1 ; ;Item No. ;Code20 ;CaptionML=[ENU=Item No.;
ESM=N§ producto;
FRC=Nø d'article;
ENC=Item No.] }\
---------- After (AFTER) ------------------------------------------------------
{ 1 ; ;Item No. ;Code20 ;DataClassification=SystemMetadata;
CaptionML=[ENU=Item No.;
ESM=N§ producto;
FRC=Nø d'article;
ENC=Item No.] }
Could you advice me if my approach of importing the table 10139 is right way? If so, do you know how to handle the above error?