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Configure Opportunity Split Revenues for a team

Posted on by 863


Assuming that a team owns an opportunity that consists of 3 members.

We would like to split the revenue between these sales team members to measure their performance when working on an opportunity together.

I am aware that the Opportunity split is not available by default and we need to create that custom entity.

So, for each opportunity, a sales manager should manually split the revenue across those members by going to that custom table and later on configure a forecast based on that.

What about if we set a goal for this sales member and the opportunity is won? Will the targeted amount be updated under goals management based on the revenue amount specified under the opportunity split? If so, what query do we need to set up for the goals between opportunity and opportunity split?

Can this approach be considered the most effective way to achieve the opportunity split process? Can you please provide a small example of the goal management query?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

  • Suggested answer
    Sayen Zhang Profile Picture
    Sayen Zhang on at
    RE: Configure Opportunity Split Revenues for a team

    Hi EBMRay,

    Here is a link about split revenue over members of a sales team when an opportunity is won: How to split revenue over members of a sales team when an opportunity is won - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Forum Community Forum

    Hope this link will help you!

    Best Regards,

    Sayen Zhang

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