When you print the Tax Detail Report there is a column labelled Total Sales/Purchases. Unfortnately this amount is only the subtotal amount. We need it to include the freight and the miscellaneous amounts. That is the true Total Sales/Purchases. I have modified this report to use the TX30000 table(Tax History) however there may ocassionally be AR credit memos so I was going to try to use the RM20101 and RM30101 tables. The problem there is the doc type field. In SOP SOPTYPE 3 and 4 are invoices and returns. In AR these get changed to 1 and 5, respectively. This breaks the link. The Document Amount field in this report comes from a temp table so there is no way to modify that value. Does anyone have a solution for this? Is there anyway to get into the code for this report and have it use the full amount of the document and not just the subtotal?