I have created quick create forms for work order products and work order services. However after the 2020 release wave 2 update its not longer working. The new "popup" window opens up - but not the quick create? What can be wrong?
I have created quick create forms for work order products and work order services. However after the 2020 release wave 2 update its not longer working. The new "popup" window opens up - but not the quick create? What can be wrong?
大家好-这是由于UI的新改进:docs.microsoft.com /.../ usability-improvement-field-service-subgrids-as-dialog
Any news on this?
I get your point - however the quick create is used if ex. you only wan't the user to view ex. 5 fields for creating a work order product. This is very intuiative for the user and very quick since the user will only need to focus on the 5 fields. Where when viewing after create you will see more fields. Further more the quick create is a standard function in CRM, and now it's not working for 5 entities - that doesn't make sence. I know the new subgrid dialog can be turned of, however it is a good improvement. You should be able to use quick create and the new subgrid dialog the same time. So quick create will work on create (if enabled - just like today). And the subgrid dialog when vieweing a record after create!
Hey all - This is due to a new UI improvement: docs.microsoft.com/.../usability-improvement-field-service-subgrids-as-dialog
The field which controls this behavior is in Field Service Setting called "Work Order subgrid records open as popups": docs.microsoft.com/.../configure-default-settings
We think this is an improvement over the quick create scenario since it allows a user to both create new and view/edit existing sub-records from within the context of the work order record.
Please don't modify the ribbon behavior to get around this. If you don't like it, you can simply disable this via the toggle in Field Service Settings > Other.
Given that this allows users to interact with the full form without being forced to navigate away, can you help me understand why you would still want the Quick Create forms? Under what circumstances are these QC form interactions still preferable?
I have temp disabled the new feature in field service settings - until resolved
As a workarround you can customize the ribbon command for the New and Add New buttons. It worked for our solution.
Your command display rules should look like this.
Once MS fixes this I suggest to uncustomize the command again.
Hi, we are facing the same for the booking entity.
Even after making the related entity field required, the quick create does no longer appear.
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