In Receipt / Invoice Entry (04.010.00) when box is checked to "Create Voucher for Receipt", is it always one AP voucher batch created for each receipt batch or can multiple receipt invoices be added to the same AP voucher batch? Thank you!
In Receipt / Invoice Entry (04.010.00) when box is checked to "Create Voucher for Receipt", is it always one AP voucher batch created for each receipt batch or can multiple receipt invoices be added to the same AP voucher batch? Thank you!
Enable the "Allow multiple PO to one Receipt" option in PO Setup. This will allow you to create one PO Receipt in the batch, and have all the information in the AP Voucher.
If you are trying to create a single AP Voucher for multiple PO Receipts, then it becomes harder. First, you would not use the "Create Voucher for Receipt" option in the PO Receipt/Invoice Entry screen. Then, you create an AP Voucher manually by:
- Entering the Vendor ID
- In the PO Field, F3 or enter the PO Nbr you want to voucher. This will popup a list of PO Receipts that you can select and populate the grid.
- Go back to the PO Nbr field and select your next PO and receipt. A box will appear with 3 options; choose the one "Default and Append current detail". This will append the existing PO receipt detail with the detail from this PO receipt.
Repeat as necessary.
As an aside, I advise all my sites not to use the "Create Voucher for Receipt" option (push method). I even disable the checkbox. I creates too many open AP vouchers at the end of a period, and in many cases they are not relevant (as in your case). The methodology I laid out above (pull method) allows for more flexibility of vouchering PO receipts, even when it is a simple as one PO Receipt per AP voucher.
Hi Jana,
So we can't create on AP voucher to match to the receipt batch? In other words, I want one A/P voucher entry for a Receipt batch that has multiple PO's and Receipts. Instead I have a separate AP voucher for each receipt in the batch even though they are all paid on a single AP invoice. This is not very practical IMO.
If there's a setting I'm not utilizing that will consolidate the receipt batch to post as on AP voucher please advise. I really appreciate it!
Dear Reid,
I believe that its one voucher per receipt for this.
Best Regards,
Jana MacDonald
MSFT Support
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