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how we can retrieve multiple records from a form using JavaScript for Custom Dashboard

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Posted on by 365
Hi, I am trying to use this code to fetch records and applying to a dashboard to filter according to the record but I am getting an error in this code.
    var formContext = context.getFormContext();
    var FetchXML="<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>" +
    "<entity name='campaign'>" +
    "<attribute name='name' />" +
    "<attribute name='istemplate' />" +
    "<attribute name='statuscode' />" +
    "<attribute name='createdon' />" +
    "<attribute name='campaignid' />" +
    "<attribute name='typecode' />" +
    "<order attribute='name' descending='true' />" +
  "</entity>" +
  FetchXML = "?fetchXml=" + encodeURIComponent(FetchXML);

            function success(result){
          for(var i=0;i<result.entities.length;i++){
  • necsa Profile Picture
    necsa 3,455 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple records from a form using JavaScript for Custom Dashboard

    Which data with which data do you want to compare?

  • unbeatable Profile Picture
    unbeatable 365 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple records from a form using JavaScript for Custom Dashboard

    Now I am getting data, can you please tell me how to compare data so that I can filter

  • necsa Profile Picture
    necsa 3,455 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple records from a form using JavaScript for Custom Dashboard

    I understand. You use parent. Xrm...  which is deprecated. Please use as a reference the following link and match your code:

  • unbeatable Profile Picture
    unbeatable 365 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple record from a form using JavaScript



  • unbeatable Profile Picture
    unbeatable 365 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple record from a form using JavaScript

    Thanks for the reply

    I have to apply this code into a custom dashboard and it's not working there

  • Suggested answer
    necsa Profile Picture
    necsa 3,455 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple record from a form using JavaScript

    Please try following code:

        var fetchXML="<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>" +
        "<entity name='campaign'>" +
        "<attribute name='name' />" +
        "<attribute name='istemplate' />" +
        "<attribute name='statuscode' />" +
        "<attribute name='createdon' />" +
        "<attribute name='campaignid' />" +
        "<attribute name='typecode' />" +
        "<order attribute='name' descending='true' />" +
      "</entity>" +
      fetchXML = "?fetchXml=" + encodeURIComponent(fetchXML);

                function success(result){
              for(var i=0;i<result.entities.length;i++){

  • Clofly Profile Picture
    Clofly 260 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple record from a form using JavaScript

    Open console and check error message in Network > XHR.(The error request is marked with red color, error message can be found in the request response data.)

    If you encounter any problem during the process, please share some screenshots, which may help to better understand your question.

  • unbeatable Profile Picture
    unbeatable 365 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple record from a form using JavaScript

    Not Working

  • Clofly Profile Picture
    Clofly 260 on at
    RE: how we can retrieve multiple record from a form using JavaScript

    Hi Partner,

    It seems that "result.entities.lenght" in your code should be "result.entities.length".



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