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Assigning a work item to a user using workflow but have the workflow continue

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Posted on 16 Nov 2023 11:04:32 by 166
I've received a requirement where a user wants to review in F&O purchase requisitions and purchase orders relating to a certain category. I've managed to get this working using a conditional workflow step. The missing piece is, I want a work item to be assigned to the user so they can accept / reject and comment, but also have the workflow continue on as normal. I tried using a parallel branch but it seems the workflow doesn't progress until the work item in the branch is completed.
Any suggestions please?
  • MBates237 Profile Picture
    MBates237 166 on 20 Nov 2023 at 14:46:45
    Assigning a work item to a user using workflow but have the workflow continue
    @Andre My requirement is that if procurement category equals something specific (in this case our IT categories) then it routes to a specific user. This routing to the specific user should not stop the workflow and it should carry on as normal, just with an additional work item created for the specific user.
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on 17 Nov 2023 at 02:19:47
    Assigning a work item to a user using workflow but have the workflow continue
    You might need to consider a different approach. Here are some suggestions:
    1、Custom Workflow Activities:
    Develop custom workflow activities to handle the user review process. These activities can be designed to create a work item for the user and continue with the workflow without waiting for the user's response.
    Custom activities might involve coding in X++ or using Visual Studio
    2、Asynchronous Processing:
    Explore the option of making the user review process asynchronous. This way, the workflow can continue without waiting for the user's response.
    You may need to implement background processes or leverage asynchronous patterns to achieve this.
    Best regards,
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,257 Super User 2025 Season 1 on 16 Nov 2023 at 22:52:28
    Assigning a work item to a user using workflow but have the workflow continue
    HI MBates,
    In case an additional person should review the workflow and you have another approval step or a parellel branch, then indeed the workflow will not be completed if one of the steps is not complete. In case the main branch would approve the requisition, but the other user that needs to review the requisition for a specific category will reject it, then the outcome should be rejected. 
    Or do I misunderstand your question and should the task be assigned to this user only in case of a certain category and not the standard users as well?

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