Hi, I'm new to Dynamics 365.
I am trying to modify the CustAccountStatementExt report to add the company logo. I created a copy of the report and added the field, I created an event handler for the InventJournalTrans table to add the company logo into the CompanyLogo field that already exists in the data source, I created a class extension for CustAccountStatementExtController so I could make the parmReportName process point to the copied report, I built the project, I saved, synchronized and deployed the reports verifying there are not error messages, but when I open the report, my changes are not being reflected into the report.
I used the debug mode to verify if the report is being called and It is, I also tried restarting the SQL server reporting service after deploying the report but my changes are still not being reflected in my report, what could I do to modify my report?
Here is the code of my event handler classclass CustAccountStatementExtTmp_EventHandler
[DataEventhandler(tableStr(CustAccountStatementExtTmp), DataEventType::Inserting)]
public static void CustAccountStatementExtTmp_onInserting(Common sender, DataEventArgs e)
CustAccountStatementExtTmp tmp = sender as CustAccountStatementExtTmp;
CompanyInfo companyInfo = companyInfo::find();
tmp.CompanyLogo = CompanyImage::findByRecord(companyInfo).Image;
And the controller extension
class CustAccountStatementExtControllerExt extends CustAccountStatementExtController
public static CustAccountStatementExtControllerExt construct()
return new CustAccountStatementExtControllerExt();
public static void main(Args _args)
SrsReportRunController formLetterController = CustAccountStatementExtControllerExt::construct();
CustAccountStatementExtControllerExt controller = formLetterController;
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(CustAccountStatementExtCopy, Report));