How to capture the timestamp when user closes the form in dynamics 365 CE
I have tried window.onbeforeunload and formcontet.onunload and addeventlistener.nothing is working as expected.
How to capture the timestamp when user closes the form in dynamics 365 CE
I have tried window.onbeforeunload and formcontet.onunload and addeventlistener.nothing is working as expected.
D365 contact audit history shows a line 'timstamp of form submission'
I cannot find any field with this name - where is the audit history shows this ?
How can I trigger this field ?
thank you
As far as form closing goes, I don't think there is an event to capture the form close.
You can programattically close the form and then capture that timestamp. To close the form you can use
As a workaround, you can add a setsumbitmode function to any field on the form and set the mode to always. If the user saves the form before closing it each time, then the set submit mode for the field will capture in audit history irrespective of the field being dirty or not. You just have to ensure the user does a save before form close.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
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