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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Create a 10% discount for a specific customer on POS

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I've created a discount for a product category, then a price group then I set the specific customer XYZ as "member" of this price group.

When I'm on the POS, no discount are applied/showed with customer XYZ.

What did I miss? (I run the jobs etc)

Best regards,

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  • Suggested answer
    Mohd irfan mehdi Profile Picture
    Mohd irfan mehdi 956 on at
    RE: Create a 10% discount for a specific customer on POS

    In order to leverage the Affiliation functionality at retail POS, the following records need to be created:

    • Price group
    • Discounts
    • Affiliations

    We will try to understand the functionality (setup part) using an example.

    Star retailers have special discount offering for university students who purchase goods from Star retail outlets. The students have to show their university ID card at POS terminals to avail the discount offering of 10%. In order to get this working, let’s first create the relevant Price group. The price groups acts as a bridge between the Affiliation and Discount.

    Retail>Setup>Pricing and discounts>Price groups




    Next is to create a Discount record.

    Retail>Common>Pricing and discounts>Discounts


    Before we enable this discount, let’s first associate the Price group that we created earlier with this discount record. Click on Price group button.



    Now create an Affiliation and attach the price group created earlier with it.





    Finally, we need to associate the affiliation record created with the customer record in AX.



    You can also refer below link written by sumit potbhare 

  • RyanC Profile Picture
    RyanC 655 on at
    RE: Create a 10% discount for a specific customer on POS

    I would like to know how to set a customer discount

    So far I have:

    1. Created the discount

    2. Create the price group and assigned it to the discount

    3. Created the affiliation and assigned it to the price group and to the customer

    4. Assigned the price group to the retail store

    Where else do I need to assign?  It is still not working!

  • Suggested answer
    sumit0417 Profile Picture
    sumit0417 2,890 on at
    RE: Create a 10% discount for a specific customer on POS

    Hi Damien,

    You can use the Customer specific Retail periodic discount on POS through Affliation feature which is newly introduces in Ax 2012 R3.

    First create a Affiliation from Retail >> Setup

    Then create the Affiliation price group from Retail >> Inquiries

    Then create the Periodic discount (Retail discount) and attach the affiliation price group to it.

    Now run the customer schedule job.

    Now when you will select the item the discount wont be applied until you select the customer.

    hope this might be the solution you require.

  • Suggested answer
    Debashish Bardhan Profile Picture
    Debashish Bardhan 745 on at
    RE: Create a 10% discount for a specific customer on POS

    Retail price discounts are not customer specific, So if you want to give discount then set it through trade agreements and then run N-1140, N-1110 and check, By design in retail business logic discount is always Item specific, not customer specific like trading business.


  • Suggested answer
    raelhefn Profile Picture
    raelhefn on at
    RE: Create a 10% discount for a specific customer on POS

    Trade Agreement is the best way to set customer discount to create and send it please refer to this link for more details

    Create batch job after create your trade Agreement.

    1020 – Discount

    1040 – Products, prices, and bar codes

    1070 – Channels and tenders

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