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SDK for marketing

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Hi All,

I'm trying to look for SDK for marketing, however the sdk downloaded from Nuget seem does not contain the marketing sdk.

Does anyone how can I download the SDK for marketing app?



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Teh,

    1. Activity email won't be tracked as Insights data, you can find entities that are supported with Insights service here.

    2. How did you add email address field? I added the fourth email field to Contact entity in,


    New email 4 field is added to Contact form:


    the contact is still available when creating a new email.


    If you were not able to select the same contact again, make sure you had input correct keyword for first name and last name correctly,

    also, you could search it manually and precisely by selecting a specific entity type and a specific entity view:


    In theory, we could add many email address fields to Contact entity as we could.

    3. To send email to contacts' second or third mailbox, we could use Flow to simplify process compared with Workflow:(less code)

    Just append mailbox field of contact that we want to "To" field in "Send an email(V2)" action:




  • Venedict Profile Picture
    Venedict 1,227 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Clofly,

    Thanks for your confirmation. I think just now I was mentioned wrongly, the multiple contact record is not acceptable by my customer as we suggested before.

    Since the plugin way can work with workflow, think we would need a custom workflow to trigger the multi email address per contact into the standard email activity and send out the email. Another things, if I launch a workflow to send email, does it track in Insight as well?

    Just wanted to check also, I noticed that standard contact entity contain 3 email address, I was trying to add email address 4 into email address, but seem that in the email activity I'm not able to select the same contact again, the email only max can put 3 only?. Is there any set up need to done in system in order to add that?


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Teh,

    Thanks for sharing what you are doing.

    You thought is right, "To" field couldn't be manipulated before the email is blast out, and "Cc" column is not available in Marketing Email entity.

    That's by design of Dynamics Marketing application:

    Marketing Email is used to send bulk emails with beautiful content to many contacts with advertising purpose, normally we will not expect to receive response from recipients.

    (An example is that we may see in marketing email that is sent from other companies.)

    If your purpose is to communicate with customers, it's more recommended to use activity email.

    Connect is a helpful feature and you could take it into consideration.



  • Venedict Profile Picture
    Venedict 1,227 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Clofly,

    In fact, I managed to create a plugin to change the change the standard email activity to take the email address 3 as To and email address 2 as Cc and able to deliver the email out.

    Based on your explanation, can I said that for Marketing Email in Customer Journey, I'm not able to manipulate the To and Cc column before the email is blast out?

    The customer do not want to have dummy contact created in the system, hence I think your suggestion multiple contact is applicable to our customer, as we did proposed to them before.




  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Teh,

    We could only register plugin to one entity for each step.

    You can find marketing email and customer journey schema name in URL when viewing entitylist or opened a record:

    Marketing email is msdyncrm_marketingemail, Customer journey is msdyncrm_customerjourney


    If you didn't see entities in marketing application, make sure you connect a correct instance which has been installed with marketing application.


    Back to your intention, currently we might couldn't send marketing email by C#, due to there is no published request method to send marketing email from Developer guide.

    To solve multiple email addresses problem, you could take my answer in thread below as reference:

    In short, create two marketing emails with different dynamic expression in "To address" field:

    {{contact.emailaddress1}} and {{contact.emailaddress2}}

    then add two parallel pipelines in customer journey.

    If a contact has multiple email address, create multiple contact records with different email address 1 for him/her,

    then link them together with "connection".



  • Venedict Profile Picture
    Venedict 1,227 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Clofly,

    Thanks for your detail explanation. 

    I was trying to write some code add additional email address into the marketing email within the customer journey. However, when I wanted to register the plugin for entity named msdyncrm_customerjourney_msdyncrm_marketingemail, I can't seem that to see this entity in the plugin registration tool. Is that meant that the plugin is not work for some customer journey entity?

    The intention is the contact may have multiple email address need to be included in the marketing email when send out to customer.



  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Teh,

    Sorry for I have never checked sample code before.

    However, according to my exploration from the sample code just now, I can conclude that there is no special Marketing SDK library,

    actually "Microsoft.Dynamics.Marketing.SDK" is just a custom namespace by sample file provider(Microsoft).

    For the first sample in doc:

    The CheckForErrors function will finally execute an organization request(validationRequest.OrganizationRequest), 

    the validationRequest variable is passed from FromCustomerJourneyEntity method of ValidationRequest class.

    When we open ValidationRequest.cs source file, we can find the fact from its constructor method:

    Actually the core part is "msdyncrm_CustomerJourneyValidate" request,


    this request has been mentioned in article Work with Customer Journey API

    the overall operation is orgService.execute(orgRequest) indeed, 

    there is no special dll file for marketing entities,

    what we need to do is to know some requests which are dedicated from Marketing application.

    So my suggestion is that you could start with Web API version, then convert it into organizationRequest in C# version,

    create a simple console app with organization request by yourself.



  • Venedict Profile Picture
    Venedict 1,227 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Clofly,

    Yes, I saw that sample code. But how about those DLL file? where to download it? e.g. If i download CE SDK, there is Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll, Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll file that can add into my C# project as reference so that I can use the API function. But for marketing, it seem having separate sdk which separate from CE, e.g. Microsoft.Dynamics.Marketing.SDK.




  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: SDK for marketing

    Hi Teh,

    What SDK for marketing do you expect?

    As far as I know, Customer Journey SDK sample code is available from Developer Guide section of official doc:

    From published data, it seems that currently only Customer Journey supports with C# operation.

    (You will find "Microsoft.Dynamics.Marketing.SDK" in sample code.)

    You can find all Marketing API here:



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