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Unit => Quantity. Where is it used?

Posted on by 1,784

When adding a new Unit to a Unit Group, there is this field "Quantity".

Here you should enter the conversion Quantity between the new Unit and the Base Unit. OK.


But... where in the system, except from Project Service, is this Quantity used? 

Or is this only for custom automatism?

  • viet561995 Profile Picture
    viet561995 110 on at
    Unit => Quantity. Where is it used?
    I have the same question for this field too. There's not much documentation talking about this specific fields and how it work. 
    IMO it's involve the discount list or some kind of plugin customization.
  • moko33 Profile Picture
    moko33 1,784 on at
    RE: Unit => Quantity. Where is it used?

    Hi Lu Hao,

    even when using the substitute-functionality the system neither use the Quantity for anything nor does it automatically creates a Product Relationship for me by using the Unit-Unit-Group relationship or the fact that I can have different Price List Elements (with different Units) for the same Product.

    So I still don't know for what, except of information purposes, the Quantity field from the Unit entity is used.

  • Suggested answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,860 on at
    RE: Unit => Quantity. Where is it used?

    Hi partner,

    Unfortunately, D365 does not currently support this feature.

    D365 has the feature that provide related products in the opportunity, but this is not automatic, which requires you to add it manually.

    For example, in my last answer, I created a product relationship for a product.


    In the opportunity, when I added this product, click on the suggestion, I can add related products.

    pastedimage1571021670819v2.png    pastedimage1571021699987v3.png

    In this way, related products are added to the opportunity.


    However, it does not automatically convert the number of products based on Quantity in Unit.

    So, when you add related products to the opportunity, you need to set the quantity of the product line and then delete the original product line.

    For details on Define related products to increase sales, please refer to this document:

  • moko33 Profile Picture
    moko33 1,784 on at
    RE: Unit => Quantity. Where is it used?

    Thank you Hao again, however I still don't see the value of this field "Quantity". I cannot find any kind of automatism that Microsoft provides us, where the field Quantity is used.

    For example I would have expected that when you have two Units (Meter, Kilometer) with a conversion rate (=Quantity) of 1000 between them, that when you are creating an Opportunity Product and entering 1000 Meter there, the system automatically replaces this (or at least suggests) the (usually cheaper) Product-Unit combination.

    Or that if you're creating new Price List Items for the same Product within the same Unit Group, the system automatically calculates the price for other Units based on the price for the Base Unit.

    But I cannot find anything like that somewhere.

    So I guess this field "Quantity" is solely for "information purposes" in the Sales application, right? I'm still wondering than, why it is a "business required" field.

    Or did I oversee something?

  • Suggested answer
    LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,860 on at
    RE: Unit => Quantity. Where is it used?

    Hi partner,

    Specifically, Unit's field Quantity determines the price of products of different unit. 

    Please refer to this example.


    My product is Cool drink. It can be sold in different units, such as can, pack and box. Of course, the most basic unit is can.

    One pack is 6 cans and one box is 5 packs (30 cans). Here 6 and 5 are the field Quantity of the unit Pack and the unit Box.


    Create three products that correspond to these three units.

    pastedimage1570612291656v3.png    pastedimage1570614997170v8.png

    pastedimage1570612380859v4.png    pastedimage1570615022488v9.png

    pastedimage1570612453040v5.png    pastedimage1570614976304v7.png

    Here, the price of each product is determined according to the field Quantity of the respective unit.

    In this case, if the customer wants to buy 1 box of drinks instead of 30 cans, then you can add the product 'One box of cool drink in the opportunity.


  • moko33 Profile Picture
    moko33 1,784 on at
    RE: Unit => Quantity. Where is it used?

    Thanks Lu Hau, Can you give me an example where/how exactly the Unit.Quantity is used for a calculation? 

  • LuHao Profile Picture
    LuHao 40,860 on at
    RE: Unit => Quantity. Where is it used?

    Hi partner,

    Could you elaborate on your needs?

    The field Quantity is a parameter in the Unit Group. As long as you use the Unit Group, Quantity will work. Here Quantity is not a field that is seen by the end user on the form, but a parameter that needs to be involved in calculating the price of the product.

    So in the main entities of Sales, such as opportunity, quote, order, etc., the field Quantity is involved, but this field Quantity does not appear directly on the form, but in the price calculation of the product.

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