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Subscription Center - unsubscribe from other than email link

Posted on by 89

We are using the default subscription center in Dynamics that has the default subscription center form. The form has an email address field and a submit button. The form is hosted on our site. 

The problem is, there are other ways that we get notified that someone wants to unsubscribe. They either send an email request or people will ask on behalf of someone else. If we visit the page with the subscription center on it—and not from the link in the email—the form never loads. I'm assuming that this is because the form doesn't know the identity of the person attempting to unsubscribe because they got there in a different way. 

Is it possible to allow anyone to unsubscribe from the form? 

  • Suggested answer
    alemieux69 Profile Picture
    alemieux69 89 on at
    RE: Subscription Center - unsubscribe from other than email link

    OK, thanks.

  • Suggested answer
    Mikko Berg Profile Picture
    Mikko Berg 11 on at
    RE: Subscription Center - unsubscribe from other than email link

    Hi alemieux69,

    The subscription center forms work only if you access them through an email sent from Dynamics 365 Marketing.

    If you want, you could use a workaround like

    • add a marketing form created for this purpose to your website
    • create an email and a customer journey and have the journey triggered when ever someone submits the form
    • let people unsubscribe through the email

    This way you can also verify that the person making the request really has access to the email address in question.

    It's not a perfect solution and may not fit due to some details. 


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