There many possible reasons.
European A4 (8.3 x 11.7 inches) and US Letter (8.5 x 11 inches) have different dimensions. If you design in one and print in the other format then you may well get an extra page. (See e.g. the FreeTextInvoice in Visual studio the Body size causes the blank page issue.he drop down list (or have the report itself in focus when you open Properties).
What we don’t see through Report Properties is the Interactive Size, which determines how the report is rendered in the report viewer. To access this go into the Properties tab and select “Report” from t,You can set the Interactive Height to 0 so the report to never breaks and display all data on a single page. Assuming the Page Size is set up correctly, it will still put the appropriate page breaks in when exported to PDF, and will print properly, and it saves the user having to continuously click to go through to the next page when viewing the report. However, its not so simple if your report is loading a substantial amount of data, then there could be significant performance losses by not using paging, and with lots of data, your report may fail to run altogether. Of course this property can also be set to a specified height, allowing for more data to be displayed per page, without putting any noticeable impact on load times. if you decide to render the entire report onto a single page, then I suggest to fix the first row in place so that it stays as the first visible row regardless how far down the page you are. This can be coupled with repeating this row on each new page so that it is still nicely presented for printing.
Set the property of textbox called “CanGrow” to False for not allowing the section to grow vertically:
There is a property called ‘CanGrow’ for textboxes, MSDN specifies that if set to True, then it will allow the section or control to grow vertically so that all data it contains can be printed or previewed. St to False.
Set ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace property to True.
Under Print destination settings – Properties – Check “override default settings”:
Don't use + to concatenate text - use & instead.
See whether setting "Keep Together" attribute to False makes any difference.
After reviewing obvious things like the page format for your pdf and printer properties if you still have the problem, then to trouble shoot the cause put different background colors on any object you think may bleed into another page. When you generate as a PDF you'll at least have a color on that extra page which will tell you which object is causing the trouble. put the problem object in a rectangle and the problem will likely go away
You can put multiple objects in a rectangle and ensure the "Keep Together on One Page if possible" box is checked in the rectangle's properties.
If all else fails then try this utility to remove the extra page ttps://