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When finalising a booking with msevtmgt_FinalizeExternalRegistrationRequest is there any way of getting the Event Registration

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I have a purchase ID that gets passed to msevtmgt_FinalizeExternalRegistrationRequest along with the readable event ID, but once I have called it I can't find a way of locating the Event Registration that it has created. I had assumed/hoped that the purchase ID and registration ID would be connected in some way, but with extensive searching I can't find the purchase ID Guid anywhere in Dynamics.

Is there any way of connecting the purchase and the registration? I could do a search looking for records created shortly after the registration, but that's not 100% reliable.

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: When finalising a booking with msevtmgt_FinalizeExternalRegistrationRequest is there any way of getting the Event Registration

    Hi Jon,

    Do you mean that msevtmgt_FinalizeExternalRegistrationRequest won't return id value of the automatically generated event registration in its response message?

    If so, I also found that there is no N:1 relationship between Event Purchase and Event Registration.

    After receiving response message from the request, you could take event ID and user ID to retrieve the latest created event registration record(orderby=createdon desc and top 1.),

    set the retrieved value to custom field of the current event purchase record to connect event purchase and event registration.

    Please submit your thought to Ideas forum if you think the existing action is supposed to be optimized.



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