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Statistics for all Marketing Emails

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Posted on by 290

It's great to be able to see Statistics for a single Email, but we need an overall report on the success of our Marketing by our 4 campaign areas.

In ClickDimensions, we had a grid view, with each key statistic as a Column Heading, which we could then export to Excel to compile meaningful data by each campaign, eg, Unique Opens for the month of November, Average Click-through Rate, Average Bounce Rate, etc.

Is there a way to do this in Dynamics Marketing?  If not, it is a MUCH-NEEDED feature.  It's is ONEROUS having to open each email, one at a time, and then write down all the stats for that email, then move on to the next one, repeat, repeat, repeat.


  • IronPatriot Profile Picture
    IronPatriot 290 on at
    RE: Statistics for all Marketing Emails

    Thanks, Eddy.  I'll see if I can get that to work, although we don't have a full license for Power BI.

    Seems like a lot of hoops to jump through.  Users should be able to see this marketing info easily without having to leave Dynamics and go to a different portal :(

  • Suggested answer
    Eduard Brown Profile Picture
    Eduard Brown on at
    RE: Statistics for all Marketing Emails

    Hi IronPatriot -

    You can accomplish this with your Marketing data using PowerBI with the steps indicated in this doc:

    1) In order to set this up you need to indicate a location where to save this interaction data. You can set up an Azure Blob storage account via the Azure portal ( and create a blob storage container.

    2) Setup shared access on the blob storage container and connect the blob storage to Marketing's analytics configuration.

    3) Marketing will then export this interaction data to the blob storage after saving the configuration

    4) Once this process is complete you can use a pre-built template to pick up the data within PowerBI.

    I also highly suggest requesting this on the Ideas portal as well



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