RE: Reprint Computer Checks Edit List
According to the help files of dynamics gp
Before you can print checks, you should print a Computer Checks Edit List. To print a Computer Checks Edit List, open the Select Payables Checks window, the Edit Payables Checks window, or the Edit Payables Check Batch window, enter the appropriate batch ID, and choose File >> Print. See Correcting or deleting unposted payments in Payables Management if you identify errors on the edit list. After you verify the accuracy of the entries, you’re ready to print the checks.
The Computer Checks Edit List will not include check numbers. Check numbers won’t be assigned to checks until you choose Print.
So, I think Edit List can be printed again before your check runs. In GP2018 actually there is a separate Edit List button along with the print button, but in GP2016 there is only Print button, I don't have GP2016 installed to check this.