Hello team,
I'm trying to display a temp table that I have added to the data source of a form. The temp table has three fields that I want to display
in the grid of the form. I'm using a class 'rtiFillDueDateBeforeInvoiceTemp to fill the temp table like this:
public class rtiFillDueDateBeforeInvoiceTemp
CustInvoiceJour custInvoiceJour ;
DueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp dueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp ;
public DueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp fillTmpData()
while select custInvoiceJour
where custInvoiceJour.DueDate < custInvoiceJour.InvoiceDate
dueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp.InvoiceId = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceId;
dueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp.DueDate = custInvoiceJour.DueDate;
dueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp.InvoiceDate = custInvoiceJour.InvoiceDate;
return dueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp;
and this is my init method in the form :
public class FormRun extends ObjectRun
CustInvoiceJour custInvoiceJour ;
DueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp dueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp ;
rtiFillDueDateBeforeInvoiceTemp rtiFillDueDateBeforeInvoiceTemp;
public void init()
// dueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp.setTmpData(dueDateBeforeInvoiceTmp ::getTmpData());
rtiFillDueDateBeforeInvoiceTemp = rtiFillDueDateBeforeInvoiceTemp::construct();
// rtiFillDueDateBeforeInvoiceTemp.fillTmpData();
and when I try to open the form, it is showing an empty grid with no records. Someone can help me with this?
Best ragards,