I am doing mass customer deletes for one of my customers. I have a Smart List where I have identified customers with $0 balance and no activity after a specified date.
The transactions prior to that date have been purged.
I have assigned a value to a field that is available for selection in the Mass Delete to the records that meet the criteria.
Therefore, those records should get picked up and deleted except for one thing - they are children on a national account.
When I go into the National Account Maintenance, I see the child record, $0 balance and I can remove the child from that parent. Given that is is still tagged for me, it will now delete in the Mass Delete.
However, I cannot manually go through 32,000+ National Accounts in the maintenance screen and remove the children.
Keep in mind, these children have no balance and no transactions
Could I just use SQL to clear the parent field in the RM00101 table to break that national account link?