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Fully Applied AP Documents not going to history.

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Hello All,

We are trying to clean up some old documents on our AP. Currently we have several payments and credits that show up on the Apply Payables Documents window that are fully applied but will not move to history. 

When you click the apply button on in the window. We get the message below.


I tried to follow a couple of the other threads that talked about this, but didn't find a solution  that fixed it.

Much thanks in advance.

  • CBSS1956 Profile Picture
    CBSS1956 on at
    RE: Fully Applied AP Documents not going to history.

    Thanks for you help Brandon.

    The issue was in PM20100 table. Followed your instructions and fix the issue.

  • Verified answer
    Hokuminaria Profile Picture
    Hokuminaria 2,950 on at
    RE: Fully Applied AP Documents not going to history.

    Hello CBSS1956,

    There are a couple reasons why a document will not move to history when it is fully applied. The scenarios i have seen are below.

    1. PM20100 records exists.
      1. If there is a PM20100 record and the document is fully applied, this needs to be removed. Once removed, Check Links on the PM Transaction Open Logical table would move it to history.
      2. However, if it did not move to history when first fully applied, there could be an issue with the applied document. You would need to review the data to determine what is wrong and correct as needed.
      3. We can certainly help if you would like to create a support case and provide the results of one of the transactions for review.
    2. The second cause is due to Multicurrency. If your MC020103 table. This table is like the transaction record but holds the MC info. If your current amounts on this record are not 0.00, it will not move to history when running check links.
      1. The record would need to be review and determined if it is incorrect and corrections made to get this to move to history with Check Links.
    3. The last scenario is the transaction applying it still part of a batch due to an interruption not being cleaned up.

    My opinion is to create a support request so we can review the data and make an educated decision on why it is not moving to history and how to correct it so it will move to history.

    I hope this helps!

    Thank you!

    Brandon Jarrett | Microsoft Support Engineer.

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