Hello guys,
The product property option set is locked and I cant modify. I try to look into the customization and still I cant access and change. Everything is read only. Can you help please?
Hello guys,
The product property option set is locked and I cant modify. I try to look into the customization and still I cant access and change. Everything is read only. Can you help please?
Found a solution via Microsoft case.
1. Create a solution and add your model-driven app to it.
2. Enter the App Designer and click on Entities in the right-hand Components tab under Artifacts.
3. Mark the Property Option Set Item and click 'Save' above the Components tab in top nav.
4. Click 'Back' right under the Components tab and then click on 'Forms' under 'Entity Assets' and under then Entity list, select 'Property Option Set Item'.
5. Mark both forms and Save the app.
NOTE: I have noticed the screen behavior can be squirrely. Keep trying and refresh.
6. Publish the app.
7. Go to your Dynamics 365 app and go to a Product that is in Draft or Under Revision.
8. Click on the Product Properties tab.
9. Go to, or create, a Product Property that is an Option Set.
10. Go to the Properties tab.
11. Click on the ellipsis next to 'Property Option Set Items' and click on '+New Property Option Set Item'.
12. The Quick Create form should now pop up instead of the main form (that has all fields as read only).
13. Enter a Name, Value (expects a whole number from 1 up), and Description. Click 'Save and Close'.
14. The new value should be added now.
Denni Conner, Architect
Hitachi Solutions America
Has anyone found a solution to this problem. I am also having the same issue.
According to the documentation, product properties are set on the product family level and overridden on the product level. Please go to the product family and see if you can set it there. docs.microsoft.com/.../use-properties-describe-product
I can confirm that i have same problem.
I'm not able to create an options set for, in my case, a product family.
Please look into this
Have you found a solution for your problem? I am having the same issue and the documentation delivers no hints on why we can not add option set values for a product property
I can ceate property but no property option set. It is read-only. I tried everything to unlock it not to avail.
There is no Business rule on the form. In fact, it is totally locked. All the buttons and the fields are read-only. and I don't know where to look for the script. I cant create any property. I cant change the form. I an hopeless
can you check if there is a script /business there on the form?
are you able to create new property fine?
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