We have been using the bank rec module for about 6 weeks.
We need to be able to work in Dec to finish up reconciling our transfer bank accounts (done at month end only) but we also need to work in the current month of Jan to reconcile our operating accounts (done on a daily basis). We found today we could work in Dec because we had no closed the module for Dec. We then tried to work in Jan but we received an error because the module was in Dec not Jan. If we close it for Dec we won't be able to go back to Dec to reconcile our transfer account though.
We were previously lead to believe that we could work forward and to just not close the module until our transfer accounts were complete for the previous month.
My question is: is there a way to get the bank rec module to allow us to work in more than one month at a time?
We also use Hard Close could this be causing a problem? Hard Close does NOT have the bank rec module as an option to assign rights.
Any guidance would be appreciated,
Robin Corbin