Hello Commuity, hava a 500 internal server error problem on our custom service, using JSON endpoint
We don't have any kind of exception throw, our telemetry tells us the /returns/ line of code executed successfully
In our DEV enviroment works fine but sometimes on UAT or PROD this service returns 500 Internal Server error
These are the main charatherists of our service:
* Total time of processing is about 1 minute or little be more
* No any kind of timeout seems be occuors
* No API limits seems be occurs
* The response is 750000 byes size
* The result contract have nested contracts as lists
* No activity logs on Enviroment Monitor on LCS.
* Works fine on DEV
* Already open a support ticket but no idea founds
Our doubts are mainly on dimension (byte) of response and some problems of serializing contract to JSON (too complex or invalid data).
Any exeperience about it?