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Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

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Posted on by 35


When user received the marketing email sent from Dynamics Marketing, copy the link of "Unsubscribe" and paste to a non-default browser, it will show the follow error page:


Are we able to:

1. Customize the error page content and UI?

2. If detected this error, redirect to desired page?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page


    Thank you for your question.

    It seems that the unique click tracking for the subscription does not work in Test send mode.
    Happy to see that you have solved the issue. For your further questions you can check out these pages to help:


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi FlowerPi,

    Thanks for your mention!

    It seems that I missed some thing: I only ran simple customer journey to test subscription center, but I didn't test "Test Send" method.

    Anyway, it is very glad that your problem has been resolved. 



  • FlowerPi Profile Picture
    FlowerPi 35 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi Clofly,

    Just to update you my problem is resolved. The reason is we are using the "Test Send" method, which could not work correctly. After we change to live email, it works correctly.


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi FlowerPi,

    I have tested in 3 different environments, unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce the issue.

    You might open a support ticket for further assistance.



  • FlowerPi Profile Picture
    FlowerPi 35 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi Clofly

    Both same with you:


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi FlowerPi,

    Could you share version information of your marketing application?

    Here are mine:

    Server and client version:


    Marketing application version: 1.35.10064.2061 (In > Solutions > Marketing standard data)




  • FlowerPi Profile Picture
    FlowerPi 35 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi Clofly,

    All the browser has the same problem, even in private mode, and my Chrome version is same with you.

    If i ignore the error, and click "Show form anyway", after submit, it will show error during submission, which is the same with your screenshot.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi FlowerPi,

    I copied the URL and pasted to my Chrome browser directly all cookies are blocked in browser settings.)

    However, the form still works and I can still submit form successfully.

    My Chrome version is 85.0.4183.83.

    Could you take a further step to test whether the issue would reproduce in other browsers such as Edge or Firefox?

    If when you copy URL with id parameter to other browsers directly and the issue is not reproduced, please clear cache of your Chrome to check again.



  • FlowerPi Profile Picture
    FlowerPi 35 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi Clofly,

    Thanks for your reply, i have checked the following:

    1. both the link by click or copy to the browser are the same with msdynunsubscribeid parameter

    2. default browser showing the correct content

    3. non-default browser showing the error page


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Customize the Unsubscribe Error Page

    Hi FlowerPi,

    Can you find a parameter called msdynunsubscribeid in URL when copying the "unsubscribe" link and open it in another browser?


    If the parameter exists, the form should display and be prefilled with information of contact, I copied the link and opened it in both normal and private mode and the form works in both of modes.

    (Or did the non-default browser block the cookies with some plugin or extension?)

    The error from your screenshot indicates that there isn't a ID parameter to identity contact, thus the form couldn't display and if we show it anyway, all submissions will fail.

    "We're unable to verify..." is not customizable because it has been defined by form-loader.js, and the error occurs before the form is loaded, hence the error couldn't be detected and get redirection with marketing form API.

    Instead, we are only able to customize the error message when submission fails.


    However, we can still use custom javascript to achieve detection, by querying whether there is a parameter called msdynunsubscribeid in URL and whether it contains value, if not, redirect page with location.href.



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