I am stuck in automating Lead to Opportunity business process as per the below requirement:
1) When a lead is created and user provides an email address, set Policy to Yes and "auto qualify" the lead(without using the qualify button and also move the Business process stage from Qualify to Develop ( This is not working for me)
2) When a lead is created and user do not provide an email address, do not Auto Qualify but leave it to users to press the qualify button after they have set "Policy to Yes" and if they try to qualify without setting Policy to Yes then prompt a message asking them to do so. (Is working, stage will move to Develop after pressing Qualify button)
What I have done so far: I tried to create a workflow on Lead entity for requirement 1) which does the job to Auto qualify but stage doesn't move to Develop, also i want to have a solution that can combine or take care of both 1) and 2) together.
I also tried the below:
1) Create a workflow on Lead to Opportunity Business Process Flow(BPF) to run in addition to automation workflow but is a flop idea,it didn't work at all.
2) Add the Automation workflow created for step 1 on the "Lead to Opportunity BPF" (didnt work, also not sure to add workflow ar entry or exit level)