Is there a reason these don't show up when selecting resource groups as a type? We have them setup in resource groups.
Is there a reason these don't show up when selecting resource groups as a type? We have them setup in resource groups.
Oh, I believe that is from an ISV on our kanban process. This method and process as far as I know isn't customized.
In your second screenshot (Resource groups), you have three tick-box fields (@ENA496 etc) which are not standard.
That is standard AX on this item, so not sure where you are seeing customization?
I have no idea, but I notice you have a customisation (or ISV solution) in that area. ENA?
Yeah, I ended up finding that out. I forgot that all of our resources are checked because of kanbans.
My issue know is I am getting an error editing any of the requirements.
Error executing code: xRecord object does not have method 'requirementEdit'.
Stack trace
(C)\Data Dictionary\Tables\WrkCtrActivityRequirement\Methods\requirementEdit - line 54
(C)\Forms\RouteInventProd\Data Sources\WrkCtrActivityRequirement\Methods\requirementEdit - line 11
It is erroring on the method at this line:
common = this.subtype();
public WrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit requirementEdit( boolean _set = false, boolean _fetchExistingRecord = true, Common _activeRecord = null, WrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit _wrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit = '', CompanyId _companyId = '') { Common common = _activeRecord; if (_fetchExistingRecord) { common = this.subtype(); } if (prmisDefault(_companyId)) { return common.requirementEdit(_set, _wrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit, this); } else { //return common.requirementEdit(_set, _wrkCtrActivityRequirementEdit, this, false, _companyId); } }
Hi Keith,
It's because you have Work cell ticked on the Resource group. You can see this if you open the Resource group drop-down and press Ctrl + F3:
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