I just took over application manager role and tasked to enhance the existing user roles & permissions.
One of the significant issues in NAV2016 is any user who granted with PR/PO creation and Vendor read is able to view the company trial balance. The way to get to the trial balance is at Vendor List -> click on the number of Balance (LCY) in Vendor Statistics factboxes -> select any record in Vendor Ledger Entries and choose Navigate -> click on the No of Entries for G/L Entry line -> General Ledger Entries will appear. Click on G/L Account No. to show pulldown list and choose Advanced -> at Select - G/L Account List window, credit & debit amounts already shown together with Trial Balance report button ready to choose to produce.
I did a test by removing the Read Permission from one permission set for PO/PR creation. It works for Vendor List which navigation stopped after Vendor Ledger Entries but any PO cannot be posted for quantity receive with error message "You do not have the following permission on Tabledata G/L Entry: Read".
I wonder whether anyone out there also facing this problem. Anyone help is much appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
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