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Track original Lead source

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I would like to track the lead source but in a more specific way: for example know the social media from where the lead landed on my marketign form, and if it is paid or organic. Is there a way to do that? I use redirecting URLs but they only track visits and I would like to find a way to fill a field with the detailed source (es: Linkedin, or Facebook etc.)

Thank you

  • Suggested answer
    Petr Jantac Profile Picture
    Petr Jantac on at
    RE: Track original Lead source

    Hi Francesca,

    You would have to create a new attribute for "Lead source UTM" in Dataverse (there is one OOB, but used for another purpose). Then create a Marketing field using this new attribute. Insert this new field into your form and mark it as hidden.

    You can retrieve the UTM tag campaign source using custom Javascript on the page where the form is located. Populate your hidden Lead source UTM field with this value. 

    The campaign source will now be store in your new field once the form is sbumitted.

    Thank you.


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