Hi there,
currently I'm developing a Javascript Client Control Addin which Displays a TimeLine-Chart. For the TimeLine-Chart I'm using this: http://visjs.org/timeline_examples.html
The Problem I'm working on the last 2 days is, that the Addin is working correctly in the WebClient, but not in the RTC.
In the RTC, the Chart doesent react on the click-events. If you check the upper link and you open an example timline-chart, you will see, you can move the timline to the left and to the right. This Feature only works in the webclient. Also the collapsing of Groups doesent work in a RTC.
What surprised me is the fact, that the scrolling(zooming) is working on both, WebClient and RTC.
FunFact: if you do a mouseover on a group Name in the RTC, the crouser changes to a "click-cursor", but the click Event doesent work.
Does anyone of you faced the same Problem?
Thanks in advance.
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