Hello all,
I am trying to export the customer credit card number to excel and facing the below number formatting issue,
The value i should be exporting is - Credit card number: 5432000000000076, but when i see the exported value in excel, it is changed to 5432000000000000.
In the troubleshooting i found that as the credit card number field is of type String, the value is changed in the excel. And to handle this i have first converted the value to int64 / num(using str2int64() / str2num()) and provided the number formatting as shown below.
creditCardNumber = str2int64(creditCardCustNumber.CreditCardNumber);
xlsRange = xlsWorkSheet.get_Range(F1,F1);
Still i am not able to achieve the expected results and the value is exported as 5432000000000070. Request you all to help me in resolving this issue.
Also am afraid to fix the length in the number formatting and let me know if their are any alternative. Thank you!!