RE: Generate PDF from Dynamics Word Template and show in Portal
Because I cannot call a PA Flow from an action on a list, I added a button for each row next to the actions dropdown on my list screen. The button calls a Power Automate flow with the id the entity on that row.
The PA Flow converts the fields of the entity into a MS Word doc using custome template I made. Then a Convert and a Create file makes the PDF. I then email the pdf to the (loggedin) user who clicked on the button. Hurray!! This works fine.
However, what kind of web app would not offer the user the option of viewing the PDF? that would pretty lame IMO.
I just would not release an app like that. Microsoft for whatever reason does not handle this situation AT ALL!!
So I have to go to my customer and tell them it cannot be done. yeah that really is a kick in the teeth.
I mean even displaying images at all on the Portal is f%#!$*g nightmare. They spent millions? for us to be able to create SIMPLE web presences. Yeah that is how the rest of then internet works (oh sht I am coughing from laughing so hard).
I have no M$ support contract and no paid training. Frustrated and pissed. ( i know, get a better job LOL)