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Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

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we just installed Sales Professional. As a result we got two CRM apps:  "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional“. We customized the Sales Professional app. Now we have assigned security roles to our user. Unfortunately, they can only access "Dynamics 365 custom" with these roles.

Can anyone explain the difference between these two apps? Which one is the production app? I assume that is a kind of „stupid“ question, but we could not find any explanation in the forum.

Thanks for your help.

  • Suggested answer
    mequan Profile Picture
    mequan on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

    Hi Phadrus,

    We may have two kind of Apps. One is legacy web client app and the other is model driven app. And from UCI, we will suggest you use model driven app.

    The one marked as Web is legacy web client app and marked as unified interface is model driven app. For more information of it, please check

    Since you don't know what you selected when create new sales professional instance, for this part I will suggest you open case to check.

  • Phadrus Profile Picture
    Phadrus 50 on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

    Hi Meiling,

    unfortunately, we don’t know whether we selected „... don’t customize my organization“. In the meantime we bought several Sales Professional licenses. So we do not know how to check this. Is there a log or anything similar, that we can check?

    You say the alert message makes sense under the UCI mode. Why is that? We have not yet customized our Dynamics 365 and can't have any old apps. Or do we misunderstand this?

    Thanks Phadrus

  • Suggested answer
    mequan Profile Picture
    mequan on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

    Hi Phadrus,

    First, since D365 custom app is web client app, so the alert message makes sense under UCI mode. It also happens in my environment.

    Actually we may check settings no matter it is default instance or sales professional instance.  So I want to know if you select 'None of these. Don’t customize my organization' when you sign up sales professional trial. Because  we can't install a Sales Professional trial on an existing instance. If you still can't edit it, I will suggest you open a case to check your permission and instance status.


  • Phadrus Profile Picture
    Phadrus 50 on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

    Hi Mequan,

    thanks for your help. Here our environment. We hope you have a hint for us, how we can solve that problem.

    1) Our Dynamics apps

     You see the Dynamics 365 custom and the sales professional app. 


    2) Environments

    We have two environments. One is the standard environment. The Dynamics 365 custom related obviously to that. The other one is the production environment which is obviously used by the Sales Professional App (for what ever reason).


    3) Setting of the Production environment

    If we mark the production environment, we get the settings button and can set the behavior to „only Unified Inteface"



    4) Settings of the default environment

    If we mark the default environment, we do not get a setting button.


    5) Dynamics 365 custom app

    If we open the Dynamics 365 custom app, we get the message: "This is an older app and may have features or customizations that are not supported in the Unified Interface. For best results, create a model-based app for the Unified Interface."

    If we open the Sales Professional app, we get no error message and have a Unified Interface. 


    Do you have an idea?

    Thanks for your help Phadrus

  • Suggested answer
    mequan Profile Picture
    mequan on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

    Hi Phasdrus,

    May I know what 'Dynamics 365 custom environment ' mean? Does it mean Web client App? If what you want to know is how to transfer Web client APP to Model-driven App, there's no direct way to complete it. But you may check article  for more details.


  • Phadrus Profile Picture
    Phadrus 50 on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

    Hi Meiling,

    Thanks for your help. We decided to transfer our customizing to the standard environement.

    We have a similar question as Klei. Our Dynamics 365 custom environment was installed in 2017. When we open it, we get the message: „ This is an older app and may have features or customizations that are not supported in the Unified Interface. For best results, create a model-based app for the Unified Interface."

    We tried to follow your tutorials to switch to the Unified Interface, but that didn't work because we don't have settings like the "behavior" in our admin environment.

    Do you have a hint, how we can update our Dynamics 365 custom environment (at the moment we have no customizing in it as all).

    Thanks Phasdrus

  • Suggested answer
    mequan Profile Picture
    mequan on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

    Hi Klei,

    I think what you want to know is about 'Dynamics 365 Sales Professional' license and a 'Customer Engagement Application Trial' that is different from original question.

    'Customer Engagement Application Trial' may have full apps like sales, customer service, project service and 'Dynamics 365 Sales Professional' will only have sales hub.

  • Thijs van der Klei Profile Picture
    Thijs van der Klei 780 on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App


    Hi Meiling, 

    In your explanation about the difference between 'Dynamics 365 - custom' and 'Dynamics 365 Sales Professional' I miss some words about the difference between a legacy web app and an Unified Interface app on the one hand and the license difference between a 'Dynamics 365 Sales Professional' license and a 'Customer Engagement Application Trial' license on the other hand. Finally there is a difference between the two environments:


    Could you please elaborate on that?

    Thanks a lot. 

    Kind regards,

    Thijs van der Klei

  • Suggested answer
    mequan Profile Picture
    mequan on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App


    As you mentioned, the Sales Professional App is pre-installed instance.

    We may not move customizing part from sales professional app to D365 custom App. Different between this two app is custom app allow all security role to connect, but sales professional app only allow users that has sales professional access,sales professional manager and sales professional Person. So I may suggest you change sales professional app manage roles to allow other users access.


  • Phadrus Profile Picture
    Phadrus 50 on at
    RE: Differenz between "Dynamics 365 custom“ and "Sales Professional" App

    Thanks for the quick answer. Yes we have two intances - one named system and the other one named with our company name. The system instance is the default instance. Dynamics 365 custom is installed on the system instance and all users have access to it via the assigned security roles. The Sales Professional app on the other instance can only be reached via the corresponding link (not via the portal). But both apps use obviously the same database.

    According to your comments, the Sales Professional App was created from the test installation and can be used for production purposes. Is that correct?

    The problem ist, that we did the whole customizing in das Sale Professional app and not the Dynamics 365 custom app. Is there a possibility to transfer the customizing from Sales professional to Dynamics 365 custom?


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