We use Dynamics 365 events portal, which reads the event description from a text field against the event. Is there a way to make this a Rich text?
Considering it describes our events, we would like to use bullets, a proper spacing etc;
We use Dynamics 365 events portal, which reads the event description from a text field against the event. Is there a way to make this a Rich text?
Considering it describes our events, we would like to use bullets, a proper spacing etc;
Don't use 'Description' field but 'Rich calendar content' field from Event form. This field is not displayed by default in event general information.
We just created event and customer journey, email confirmation is sent when form is submitted, with add to calendar button on email including all webinar details.
Decription field in calendar ICS file is mapped with event Rich calendar content.
This is an issue for me too. Event description and other description fields should allow for HTML.
Thanks Clofly, you have got my requirement right. Although I think the challenge is how we then display it in the events portal with the formatting. This is also rendered on our website. From my understanding, the Events API interprets everything as string.
Hey Shwetha,
Clofly's replies to this thread are the recommended approaches currently. You can also achieve this using a canvas app embedded in dynamics - https://evolved365.com/2019/05/02/embedding-a-rich-text-controller-to-a-field-using-a-canvas-app/
Please reply to this thread for additional questions, happy to help!
PM, D365 Marketing
Hi Shwetha,
Please kindly point out whether I have misunderstood your real requirement. :)
Hi Shwetha,
Do you mean that we get value from Description field then display it in event portal?
It seems that you had made customization on page of your event portal to display more fields information.
If so, fields data types are fixed in Dynamics 365, there are only single line of text and multiple lines of text.
There are methods to achieve your requirement, you could take them as reference:
1. Create a web resource with rich text editor, and use custom javascript to get formatted HTML code and use it to update Description field,
then render content with innerHTML property directly.
2. Just add custom CSS rules to the text element on corresponding page on you had got text from the field.
I would recommend mehod 2 as solution.
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