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Customize Email Editor Standard Properties like Margins and Paddings and Button?

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Is there a way to set the standard maring and padding values of sections and/or colums to something other than 10px/0px?


Can you set a different standard color for buttons?

I can override these values with CSS but that leads to e. g. a white button with black font, but in the properties column all the values are wrong, which is utterly confusing for the users


  • Suggested answer
    Aga M Profile Picture
    Aga M on at
    RE: Customize Email Editor Standard Properties like Margins and Paddings and Button?

    Hi KE Comm,

    Thank you for the question.

    In the future we will introduce general style settings for all editing elements (including sections, columns, etc.) directly in the email editor.

    For the time being, please create an email template with desired style settings and use it when creating new emails.

    Best Regards,


  • RE: Customize Email Editor Standard Properties like Margins and Paddings and Button?

    That does not solve it, because content blocks can only be places inside a column.

    For this to work, you would need to be able to use a content block INSTEAD OF a section.

    In order to set all the client's custom margins and padding, we would need sections and columns to have 0px padding, THEN we could do all the padding we need inside of content blocks.

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Customize Email Editor Standard Properties like Margins and Paddings and Button?


    Yes. it is my answer.

    As I replied to you in another issue, the section and button styles are set individually when they are created and are not controlled by the meta tag or the overall style.


    So it is recommended to resort to content blocks or make mass modifications from HTML designer.

  • RE: Customize Email Editor Standard Properties like Margins and Paddings and Button?

    You are saying, the answer is no?

    It is not possible (as of today) to set different default properties for editor standard elements or layout sections?

    We have to resort to content blocks? Is this your answer?

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Customize Email Editor Standard Properties like Margins and Paddings and Button?


    Please refer to my answer in the following issue:

    Can I set a default colour and padding for buttons in emails? - Dynamics 365 Marketing Forum Community Forum

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