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Changing water into wine. Actually Returns into Invoices.

Posted on by 75,730

Here is something I have never been asked to do before. For some reason the client's import program imported 1,200 invoices as returns. The import process cannot be run a second time. Would it be possible to change the SOPTYPE to 3 and then adjust the quantities on these returns and then finish the process by running IV Reconcile? I would also have to flip the distributions. Is there any hope this might be successful?

  • CU24050538-0 Profile Picture
    CU24050538-0 2 on at
    Changing water into wine. Actually Returns into Invoices.
    Changing SOPTYPE to 3 and adjusting quantities may resolve the issue, but it could impact data integrity and reconciliation. Thorough testing and consultation with experts are recommended before proceeding.
  • CU21050544-0 Profile Picture
    CU21050544-0 2 on at
    Changing water into wine. Actually Returns into Invoices.

    Yes, it is possible to change the SOPTYPE to 3 and adjust the quantities on the returns, then finish the process by running IV Reconcile. You'll also need to flip the distributions. This method should work, but be sure to back up your data before making these changes. If you're using an olansi water purifier, ensure you also regularly check and maintain it for the best water quality.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Changing water into wine. Actually Returns into Invoices.

    I will create SQL scripts. Much quicker than IM.

  • DinB Profile Picture
    DinB 3,810 on at
    RE: Changing water into wine. Actually Returns into Invoices.

    If they have Integration Manager (IM), you could export the Returns and Import using IM as Invoices.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: Changing water into wine. Actually Returns into Invoices.

    This import has per running for decades and this is the first time this ever happened. I could ask if there was a reason why this happened. It is an extremely complex import coming in from Shopify via eConnect.

  • Hokuminaria Profile Picture
    Hokuminaria 2,950 on at
    RE: Changing water into wine. Actually Returns into Invoices.

    Hey Richard,

    This not something that has ever been tested. You can certainly give it a try in test and see what happens. This would be the only way to determine what would happen if with this process.

    Personally, I would contact the owner of the Import Program and see if they have a process to let them redo the Import. I would assume there would be some type of process for this as stuff can fail at times and has to be rerun.

    Hopefully someone in the community was creative previously and had tried something like this and can provide their experience.

    Thank you!

    Brandon | Microsoft Support Engineer.

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