I have multiple times tried to set up predictions in our data environment but without success each time.
I can see that others in here have had the same issue, but most of the "solutions" or explanations have been that it's a preview feature.
However, that doesn't apply to the Customer Churn Model or the Customer Lifetime Value anymore.
I tried the prediction models for both of the above models, and the Product Recommendations (Preview) model, but every single one of them failed.
I followed these guides:
And I used the sample data provided by Microsoft in the guides.
How can some of the errors I get, be that more data is needed? Or that more than 99% of the customers have made less than 3 purchases?
Is it bad sample data?
I have listed the errors that I get below:
Churn model returns these errors:
Customer Lifetime Value model returns this error:
And lastly, for the Product Recommendation Model: