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Approval registration for event!?

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Hi Mates, 

Can Event have a control procedure that can approve the registration? (instead of cancel). Once I approve the registration, we will send the confirmation email to them. 

I am facing a problem which not all the attendee is applicable to the event. now i using a schedule (date) but it does not work-friendly. 

Got any suggestions? Thanks



  • Johnson95 Profile Picture
    Johnson95 90 on at
    RE: Approval registration for event!?

    Thanks, Clofly for your suggestion.

    As your suggestion, we should create individual flow for a particular event.

    Does it have another way that applies to all the events?

    Thank you.


  • Suggested answer
    Aga M Profile Picture
    Aga M on at
    RE: Approval registration for event!?

    Hi Johnson,

    Thank you for the question.

    This functionality doesn’t exist in our current product. Please suggest it on Ideas forum and we will consider it during our future product plannings.

    In the meantime, you could try the workaround suggested by Clofly.

    Thank you,


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Approval registration for event!?

    Hi Johnson,

    There isn't such control procedure in Customer journey, but you could use "Approval" action of Power Automate to accomplish it, and you might need to split your customer journey into two parts,

    the first customer journey is used to send invitation email, the second is used to send confirmation email and rejection/failure email.

    Please refer to following steps if the action could meet your requirement.

    1. Create two custom fields to Event Registration entity

    Field1: Approved? -> Optionset field

    Pending  Approved  Rejected

    Field2: Response(Optional) -> Multi line of text

    2. Run a flow when an event registration record is created, we need to add two extra actions to retrieve name of contact and event field.


    3. Add "Approval" action, set Approval type to "Approve/Reject - First to respond", assign it to administrator user, 

    and populate details with event registration information.


    4. Add condition action to check response from Approval action, it Outcome property is equal to "Approve", then goes to Yes branch to update "Approved?" field of event registration to "Approved",

    otherwise set the field to "Rejected"




    After contact registered on event form, administrator will receive an approval email,

    and the flow will be in "Running" status before we do approve or reject action. 



    If attendee is applicable, we can click "Approve" button of email, the flow will go to Yes branch.


    The new event registration record will show as "Approved" with response details.


    Now in Dynamics, we are able to create two segments to query contacts who are approved/rejected to attend a specific event.


    Then add those two segments in a customer journey to send confirmation/failure email to members in different segment.


    In addition, you might need to assign Approvals Administrator and Approvals User security role to your administrator account,


    and assign full read level privilege on System Job entity to Approvals Administrator role.


    Because I encountered privilege error in flow in test before I didn't enable above settings.



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