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Ensuring Business Process is used on Opportunities

Posted on by 280

Hi Guys,

I've recently created a business process for my opportunity entity/ table to help the sales team to follow a consistent process while also capturing information that is required by our operations team should the deal be won.

I've made a number of the field required at the business process level but I still find that the sales team can close the opportunity won or lost without having completed each of the business process steps.

How do I ensure that the sales teams are using the process and how do I ensure that an opportunity can not be closed won or lost without all of the steps being completed?



  • Jason Fleming Profile Picture
    Jason Fleming 280 on at
    RE: Ensuring Business Process is used on Opportunities

    Hi Haig,

    I have created the workflow as outlined on the link above but i keep getting an error when trying to close an opportunity that contains all of the data I have asked to be populated.

    Here are the screenshots of my workflow and the error message im receiving. I had it broken out the same as the attached link but tried to change the workflow to see if it would work for me.



    Exception Message: Hi There are required fields missing. Please review the Emerging Sales Process and populate the missing data required before closing this deal.Chris Morrissey

    ErrorCode: -2147220891
    HexErrorCode: 0x80040265

  • Jason Fleming Profile Picture
    Jason Fleming 280 on at
    RE: Ensuring Business Process is used on Opportunities

    This is excellent and the link you sent me is exactly what I was looking for. I have created the workflow and tested it and it works. While I dont need to have the fields required in the process anymore (I will leave them required) if the data is not there the error will now appear. Brilliant, thank you so so much. This is going to make the sales teams life hell but it will ensure the data is correct in the future.

  • Suggested answer
    Abdul Wahab Profile Picture
    Abdul Wahab 12,070 Moderator on at
    RE: Ensuring Business Process is used on Opportunities

    Hi Jason Fleming,

    Basically, You need to map it physically with the help of code or configurations. You should have a one-to-one mapping between status reason and stages. Is it require more details from me?

  • Verified answer
    Haig Liu Profile Picture
    Haig Liu Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Ensuring Business Process is used on Opportunities

    Hi Jason Fleming,

    You can change the status reason by following steps:


    expand entity



    Then you can setup the workflow:


  • Jason Fleming Profile Picture
    Jason Fleming 280 on at
    RE: Ensuring Business Process is used on Opportunities

    Thanks Abdul for this. This make sense. So I should be linking each stage of ,my process to a status reason. Where or how do I go about getting this in place. Im sure it was in place before the previous admin removed the sales process a number of years back. Here are the stag3es that I have currently in place. Should I be setting up a business rule to ensure the link is in place or a workflow?


    Thanks again.

  • Verified answer
    Abdul Wahab Profile Picture
    Abdul Wahab 12,070 Moderator on at
    RE: Ensuring Business Process is used on Opportunities

    Hi Jason Fleming,

    This all should be validated on the server side. Usually, we used the status reason...

    Let's suppose you have the below stages in your business process flow

    1. Pending assessment
    2. Assessment
    3. Pending Design

    All these stages are mapped with the status reason. Let's suppose I also have the below status reasons

    1. Pending assessment
    2. Assessment
    3. Pending Design

    Add validations on the change of the status reason

    Let suppose

    1. When the record is in Pending assessment no one can change its status reason to Pending Design but can change it to Assessment.
    2. When the record is in Assessment no one can change its status reason to Pending Assessment but can change it to Pending Design.

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