Hi guys!
I do have a problem to ask for and it is regarding warehouse setup. I have 2 locations on my system lets just call it Loc A and Loc B; and I just recently adding a new one which we can assume that is a Loc C, so 3 locations in total. For both Loc A and Loc B they are both implemented by level 5 of complexity which required "Bin Mandatory" and stuffs along the line. I tried to implement the same level of complexity to location C and I thought I was done. After giving it a go to live, I was trying to create a warehouse receipt to Location C. And it is giving me this warning The record that you tried to open is not available. The page will close or show the next record. At this point, I realize that I miss a set of step when doing the setup for Loc C, in which it needs to be specified as a warehouse location that is resulting a warning of missing record when I was trying to create a warehouse receipt to location C; And of course I know why im getting those because along the way I forgot to specify that "Loc C" needs to be a warehouse location.
I was trying to fix this by just simply adding warehouse location on my warehouse location list but it is giving me this kind of error while trying to add them Bin Mandatory must be equal to "No" in Location Code = "Loc C". Current value is "Yes".
Then I was just "Alright I just need to untick my Bin mandatory in Loc C in order to be able to add them" but it was not that simple. When I tried to untick "Directed Put away and pick" (Since we are unable to untick Bin Mandatory before unticking it) it giving me this error You cannot change Directed Put-away and Pick because one or more Warehouse Receipt Header exist. That's leaving me a stuck in a hole. I was not able to open my warehouse receipt documents directed to "Loc C" to just delete them so that there are no warehouse receipt header exist but there you go stuck in there like a mouse trap. Anyone have any solution to solve this? Highly appreciated for your help!
Karl Jayawan
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