Hello All,
I setup everything and posted few transaction in AR/AP. Sales tax reports are showing values properly. As per documentation I settled and posted sales tax.
Now I am trying to generate the VAT declaretion. I go to Inquiries and reports>Sales tax inquiries>Sales tax payment. I select the line with posted VAT and click /Export VAT file/.
However it seems that I am missing some steps, as system generates the following error: /Expected format mapping has not been found/.
I went several times through all setups in GL, AR, AP, Org Adm but I cannot find a field where I can tell the system what format mapping shold be used.
In Electronic reporting I aslo do not see any option to selct downloaded VAT declaretion model as defaulted or change status to complete.
I should really appriaciate if someone can guide me what I could have done wrong. Thank you in advance for any piece of advice.