I am currently referencing the following article: /Search Resource Availability API/ available at the link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/field-service/search-resource-availability-api. I am utilizing this resource to obtain the availability information of the resources within the Field Service.
The parameters I am employing are as follows:
As an example, I am working with a scenario where I have three resources that fulfill the specified criteria. However, only one of these resources should be available within the selected range of dates.
Upon examining the results, I have noticed that I am receiving six time slots. However, it is crucial to highlight that these time slots are not taking into account the availability of my resources, as they solely reflect their working hours.
Upon reviewing one of the time slots for Alan Steiner (Sample Data), it becomes apparent that the information provided is inconsistent. By referring to the schedule board, it is evident that Alan Steiner is not available during that particular time slots.
Any idea what I am doing wrong ?