During my fix deployment on Production suddenly AOS service went down (say as CRASHED). I tried to restart and It was at 'STARTING' state for a long time without any progress. Event Viewer didn't log any info and stops at one particular point which saying 'could not load assembly 'VendInvoiceDocumentReport.BusinessLogic' or one of its dependencies'. SQL Activity Monitor didn't show any Blocking transactions.
I have killed the current AOS Service PID via command prompt and tried to start again and faced the same issue. Then backup by rename the original XppIL folder and created new XppIL folder. Then the service has been started but no Files / Folder generated in that.
I have reset the GUID for AOS via SQL by update #EmptyGUID in SysSQMSettings table, they tried. AOS started by XppIL folder still empty.
My user Id is local admin and I have done the same(new XppIL foder) in my last deployment without any issues. Due to this AOS crash, I don't know what went wrong and where.
Any help / suggestions?
// Vasanth Arivali