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DELETE Association not working for connection entity

Posted on by 60

I am trying to delete connection role on connection record using DELETE association reuqest.

Checked the Odata metadata and Navigation Property has Type=mscrm.conenctionrole. So it is Single-Valued navigation property. Followed the same steps as described in

Here is my XHT DELETE url: XXXX/.../$ref

It says /ref unrecognized literal

So i removed but still getting an 400 status with message "Request message has unresolved parameters."

Please help. I am using Dynamics v9.0.1

  • Verified answer
    sam12 Profile Picture
    sam12 60 on at
    RE: DELETE Association not working for connection entity

    Hi. Thank you for reaching out. Actually it got fixed. I am going the other way child->parent. instead of Parent->child.

    this solved me:"DELETE", Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/api/data/v9.0/connectionroles(" + roleEntityId+ ")/" + relationshipName+"("+conenctionId+")/$ref", false);

  • a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,323 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: DELETE Association not working for connection entity


    Can you please provide the code you use?

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