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Personalized page content

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I´ve read documentation about Personalized page content  but I didn´t understand the reason for use it.

Could you help with a simple example.



  • RE: Personalized page content


    Thanks so much! Now things became clear for me!  It´s easier when we have a example.


  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Personalized page content

    Hi Marco,

    As first paragraph of documentation introduced: sometimes we may embed a landing page into marketing email, when recipient opened the page, it will display content that's personalized for known contacts.

    Below is my sample:

    1. Create a marketing form, set prefilling feature to both form level(In Summary tab) and field level(In form design tool).

    2. Create a new "Personalized page" record, add a field of Contact entity as whitelisted field for personalized content. 

    Then paste automatically generated code to marketing page.


    3. Create a marketing email and add landing page with script.


    4. After recipient opened the link, we can get the whitelisted field value from embedded script then design personalized content.


    my code:

     window.msdyncrm_personalizedpage = {
        id: "2ba18988-abc4-ea11-a812-000d3ab64f2b",
        endpoint: "",
        success: function (data) {
            var firstname = data.Data["firstname"];
            alert("Hi, "   firstname);
        error: function () { }

    (Here is another sample from the previous thread:

    Obviously, we can also embed the script into subscription center page for personalization.



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