Hi John,
Many thanks for your response. Are you able to get it working? For some reason I still cant get this to work, because the workflow gets stuck when running the approval on the Line-item workflow, and it then throws the following error:
Stopped (error): X++ Exception: User not found
at SysWorkflowHierarchyProvider-resolve
For your information I'm using an R2 System to test this. It seems in this edition it is mandatory to have a Purchase Requisition (PR) header workflow even if you want to use line level conditions.
I've detailed my settings below and made slight tweaks here and there in order to get this working, but this is the latest settings I have. If you see anything glaringly (if that's even a word!) obvious mistake i'm making could you please let me know.
I was firstly testing with a PR of value of 2000 to test that it goes to the TL
I've set the policies up on Org Admin > Setup > Signing Limits > Signing limit policies
Trainee - Approval 1,000USD - Reports to Team Lead
Team Lead - Approval 5,000USD - Reports to Manager
Manager - Approval 10,000USD - Does not report to anyone
Trainee - Spending 1,000USD - Reports to Team Lead
Team Lead - Spending 5,000USD - Reports to Manager
Manager - Spending 10,000USD - Does not report to anyone
I've assigned these positions to three workers, and these three workers to three users in the system.
Workflow Header Activation: Purchase requisition lines.Net amount > 1000 USD
Approve Purchase Requisition Box: Assignment: Assignment Type = Hierarchy
Approve Purchase Requisition Box: Assignment: Hierarchy selection = Managerial Hierarchy, start from preparer, Stop when: Employee.Spendinglimit.purchase requisition >= Purchase requisition lines.net amount
Approve Purchase Requisition Box: Assignment: Hierarchy Options = Exclude users with the following condition: Employee.Approval limit.Purchase requisition < Purchase requisition lines.approval amount
Workflow Header Activation: Purchase requisition lines.Net amount > 1000 USD
Added PR line item workflow node > Basic Settings > Invoke a single workflow for all line items. > Selected the workflow created above.
Do I need any other policies running with this?
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards