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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy

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Hi all,


I have set up a basic hierachy with jobs, positions and "Reports to field" completed. I also assigned spending Limits through the Signing limit policies ( Org Admin > Setup > Signing limits > Signing Limit Policies). this is my hierarchy

Trainee - Spend limit $1,000.00      Reports to Team Leader

Team Leader - Spend limit $5,000.00    Reports to Manager

Manager - Spend limit $10,000.00     


I've got a workflow set up but the problem i am having is that when i create a requisition of value $7000.00 it goes through the team leader and then to the manager. I'm trying to design my workflow so that the Team Leader is skipped when the approval limit is above thier set limit and goes straight to the Manager. This was just an example but I'm hoping to have more layers in my hierarchy so would like it to skip approvers in between and go to the person who is valid


Help is much appreciated


*This post is locked for comments

  • Gilbert Khayat Profile Picture
    Gilbert Khayat 3,252 on at
    RE: Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy

    This worked for me however even though the requester signing limit > than the Purchase Requisition the workflow is allows requesting approval from the requester's manager. knowing that the preparer is different than the requester.

    Preparer A / Requester B

    B signing limit 10,000

    A does not have signing limit however A (Preparer) has the permission to create PR for B (requester)

    A reports to D

    Purchase requisition for 2,000

    Workflow request approval from D, why?

    I am expecting that since the PR amount < than signing limit that the approval request will go to B (requester)

  • fatihgork Profile Picture
    fatihgork 3,815 on at
    RE: Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy

    Hello Sarath,

    Jacinta Tatman's reply should help to solve this issue.

    Make sure you match the record with worker role, with the user.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy

    hey even I encountered the same. Can you please let me know how you resolved it ?

    that is the error I got.

    Stopped (error): X++ Exception: User not found
    at SysWorkflowHierarchyProvider-resolve

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy

    Be sure that all of the employees in the position hierarchy are associated with a system user

    System admin > Users

    For each user, click the relations button on the setup section of the action pane

    User relations form will pop-up, click new and on the right side of the form you'll see a drop-down labeled person. Select the employee from this dropdown.

  • Bhavin Malkan Profile Picture
    Bhavin Malkan 119 on at
    RE: Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy

    Hi John,

    Many thanks for your response. Are you able to get it working? For some reason I still cant get this to work, because the workflow gets stuck when running the approval on the Line-item workflow, and it then throws the following error:

    Stopped (error): X++ Exception: User not found

    at SysWorkflowHierarchyProvider-resolve



    For your information I'm using an R2 System to test this. It seems in this edition it is mandatory to have a Purchase Requisition (PR) header  workflow even if you want to use line level conditions.

    I've detailed my settings below and made slight tweaks here and there in order to get this working, but this is the latest settings I have. If you see anything glaringly (if that's even a word!) obvious mistake i'm making could you please let me know.

    I was firstly testing with a PR of value of 2000 to test that it goes to the TL


    I've set the policies up on Org Admin > Setup > Signing Limits > Signing limit policies

    Trainee - Approval 1,000USD           - Reports to Team Lead

    Team Lead - Approval 5,000USD     - Reports to Manager

    Manager - Approval 10,000USD       - Does not report to anyone

    Trainee - Spending 1,000USD          - Reports to Team Lead

    Team Lead - Spending 5,000USD    - Reports to Manager

    Manager - Spending 10,000USD      - Does not report to anyone

    I've assigned these positions to three workers, and these three workers to three users in the system.


    Workflow Header Activation: Purchase requisition lines.Net amount > 1000 USD

    Approve Purchase Requisition Box: Assignment: Assignment Type = Hierarchy

    Approve Purchase Requisition Box: Assignment: Hierarchy selection = Managerial Hierarchy, start from preparer, Stop when: Employee.Spendinglimit.purchase requisition >= Purchase requisition amount

    Approve Purchase Requisition Box: Assignment: Hierarchy Options = Exclude users with the following condition: Employee.Approval limit.Purchase requisition < Purchase requisition lines.approval amount


    Workflow Header Activation: Purchase requisition lines.Net amount > 1000 USD

    Added PR line item workflow node > Basic Settings > Invoke a single workflow for all line items. > Selected the workflow created above.

    Do I need any other policies running with this?

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind Regards

  • John Mills Profile Picture
    John Mills 5 on at
    RE: Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy


    Having just read this thread and not resolving the issue, I have found a method which is possible, ie for the approval to go directly through to the right approver (based on the limits)

    Set up the approval as hierarchy, then in the Hierarchy options tab, select "Exclude users with the following criteria": Condition "Employee.ApprovaL limit.purchase requisition<Purchase requisition.approval amount"

    This means that when the workflow starts, it will look at all associated users which could approve, and then ignore any which have a limit less than the value of the requisition. The requisition will then pass to the approver who has the right limit

  • Bhavin Malkan Profile Picture
    Bhavin Malkan 119 on at
    Re: Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy

    Hi Eric,

    This didn't seem to work for me. It says that the Line item element has started and then it seems to have just stopped working (there are no error messages to say it has stopped).  I didn't use a review step as it wasn't required for my workflow.

    I used the following settings. Could you kindly see if these are similar to what you are using The values are based on the scenario I gave above?

    Purchase Requisition Line Review Workflow:


    Workflow Level:

    Activation: Where Purchase Requisition lines.Approval amount   >  Value  1000.00 USD

    Approve Purchase Requisition Lines Level:

    Automatic Settings:  Where Purchase Requisition.Approval amount  <  Value  1000.00 USD

    Auto-complete Action: Approve

    Assignment Level:

    Assignment: Assignment Type: Hierarchy

    Hierarchy Selection:  Managerial Hierarchy. Start from Requester

                                             Conditions = WHERE Employee.Spending Limit.Purchase requisition >  field, Purchase Req Lines.Approval Amount

    Hierarchy Options: Assign only to last user retrieved

    Time Limits: Default

    Condition: Always run this step

    Escalation: None

    Purchase Requisition Review Workflow:


    Workflow Level:

    Activation: BLANK

    Purchase Requisition Line Item Workflow Level:

    Basic Settings: Invoke a single workflow for all line items (and I selected the above workflow for line items)

  • Eric Enlow Profile Picture
    Eric Enlow 945 on at
    Re: Purchase Requisition Following a Position Hierarchy

    We use Workflow for our Purchase Reqs as you described.  We use 2 set up PR Review which fire off the second being PR line review. On the Line Review I have a Review and Approve Step with the following.

    Assignment Type Tab; Assign users to this workflow element = Hierarchy

    Hierarchy Selection Tab; Hierarchy type =  Managerial Hierarchy, Start From Requester, Conditions = WHERE Employee.Spending Limit.Purchase requisition > field, Purchase Req Lines.Approval Amount

    Hierarchy options tab; Assign only to the last user retrieved

    I hope this helps.


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