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Can't make mobile model driven app for different user

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Posted on by 828

Hi There,

i am moving from xamarian app to Dynamic365 Field service app, as in Xamarin i had different template as per different user level. So each user was able to see different views different site map and everything. I was able to create different template there and was able to set their priority.

But in new mobile app i do not see that functionality, even if i create a new model driven app and take sitemap of mobile device I do not see that app in my installed Dynamic 365 app. How do i do that?

  • Al Iggs Profile Picture
    Al Iggs on at
    RE: Can't make mobile model driven app for different user

    When I tried it, I actually did have "<AppModules>" and "<AppModule>". Not sure why you don't see this.

  • Ravi Fulani Profile Picture
    Ravi Fulani 828 on at
    RE: Can't make mobile model driven app for different user

    Hi @Alexander Heinze

    I do not see <AppModule> in my xml, although I do have <AppModuleSiteMaps>.  Please guide if it's okay to do there.

    Thank you

  • Suggested answer
    Al Iggs Profile Picture
    Al Iggs on at
    RE: Can't make mobile model driven app for different user

    The platform has recently introduced a feature called "app tagging" that allows you to enable a custom MDA to run in the FS App container. A UI for app tagging will become available in 2021, in the meantime use the following workaround:

    To target your App Modules for the Field Service Mobile application.

    1. Create & Publish your custom App Module. In this example we’ll call it “ContosoAppModule”

    2. Associate your app module to a Solution.

    3. Export the Solution

    4. Open the exported Solution (.zip) and edit the file “Customizations.xml”

    5. Locate XML node for <AppModule>

    6. Within <AppModule> insert a section element <appsettings> as shown below, where:

    a. App settings uniquename is the name of your new app module. This follows format of [publisher prefix]_[app module unique name]_[app settings unique name]. Or “new_new_ContosoAppModule_ChannelAvailability” in our example.

    b. value is the application you wish to target, “FieldServiceMobile”. This can be a comma delineated list if you want to target multiple apps.

    7. Save the updated XML file and re-add to the .zip file of your solution.

    8. Import the file back into your Dynamics organization.


    <appsetting uniquename="Your Unique Name">



    <displayname default="App channel availability">

    <label description="App channel availability" languagecode="1033" />


    <description default="Specifies the channel in which the given app would be available.">

    <label description="Specifies the channel in which the given app would be available." languagecode="1033" />







  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can't make mobile model driven app for different user

    As mention above you should  Set the "Show non-Production Apps" to enabled. If you still dont see it then try to take a copy of the existing mobile app as new model driven app

  • Suggested answer
    AmorHerbst Profile Picture
    AmorHerbst 55 on at
    RE: Can't make mobile model driven app for different user

    Hi Ravi,

    I'm assuming you are working in a Sandbox environment. If so, a couple of things you need to keep into account:

    Step 1: Did you assign the App to Roles who can access the app? If yes, move on to step 2.

    Step 2: Once you sign into the Mobile App, you need to navigate on the User profile and scroll down to the bottom. Set the "Show non-Production Apps" to enabled.

    You should now see your App in the Mobile App.

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