Hello, guys. Is it possible to define following structure of operations in AX 2009: Nr. 10 (named A) - next 20; 20 (B), - next 50; 20 (C) - next 30; 30 (D) - next 50? The problem is that oper. B takes more time than C and D together, and C must be run after D, but B and C can run in parallel. Obviously, this should be set up as described, but AX does not allow 2 operations with same number and priority, hence C must be secondary, and AX then disregards its run time values, it uses the primary operation's run time for both (i.e. run time of B, which is long). In addition, 30 cannot be defined as "next" for C since C is secondary (again "interesting" AX rule). Ergo: The route presented above is impossible to define. Is it MS or me who does not see obvious things? I hope its me and some of you has a piece of advice. Thanks in advance!
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