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CRM export data wtih Azure Data Factory

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I am using Azure Data Factory to load a table with data from Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement. But I don't know how to get the value of fields that are option sets. Any ideas on how to do this?

  • FidelMartin Profile Picture
    FidelMartin 128 on at
    RE: CRM export data wtih Azure Data Factory

    Yes, I can help you with that.

    Option set fields in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement are represented by integers, where each integer corresponds to a specific option value. To get the value of an option set field in Azure Data Factory, you can use the following steps:

    1. In your Azure Data Factory pipeline, add a Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement source dataset and configure it to point to the entity that contains the option set field you want to load.
    2. In the source dataset configuration, select the "Expand query" option and add the name of the option set field to the list of fields to retrieve.
    3. In the "Query" field, use the "expand" clause to retrieve the option set value label. For example, if the name of your option set field is "new_rating", your query would look like this:
    shellCopy code:
    1. In the mapping data flow, add a "Derived Column" transformation and use the "replace" function to replace the integer value of the option set field with its label. For example, if your option set field is named "new_rating", your expression would look like this:
    lessCopy code:
    replace('new_rating', toString(new_rating), new_rating_Label)
    1. Use the derived column as the output column for the option set field in the destination dataset mapping configuration.

    With these steps, you should be able to retrieve and load the label values for option set fields in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement using Azure Data Factory.

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: CRM export data wtih Azure Data Factory


    Try to check the StringMap table for the corresponding labels.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: CRM export data wtih Azure Data Factory

    Yes, I have the numeric values, I want to get labels for option sets. Is there any way to dynamically obtain the corresponding label with the numeric value?

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: CRM export data wtih Azure Data Factory

    Hello Fransisco,

    Do you mean how to get labels for option sets? I'm pretty sure the numeric values are returned.

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