Anyone knows about this error from the RetailPublishingJob - "Cannot proceed to catalog publishing because channel has not been published successfully. Channel publishing status: Failed. Status message: 'Required attribute Productname which represents a listing's title was not found in the channel'."
This is on the Retail module.
It is not the demo image from MS, it is a fresh installation.
A new online store record has been created, no catalog assigned to it yet.
On the "Online store" form, the "Publish" button is clicked, the Publishing status changed from "Draft" to "In progress".
After awhile, the status changed to "Failed" with the error message displayed under it.
There're several other online store record in the Online store form, some of it has catalog assigned to it.
I've been told some of these online store records has been tried for publishing before, but failed, then revert back to Draft, then a new one is created for testing.
All the A-####_OC and N-####_OC has been executed as well.
The "Retail > Periodic > Data distribution > Create actions" has been run as well.
Thanks in advance.