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Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

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Hello ,

I need to have a detail understanding how we can implement extra batch helpers in Retail posting batch job (MS std) , I can see we have concept of extra batch helpers in Inventory closing but the architecture is not very clear.

Please if some can help me out on this and have implemented in the past.

P.S : I have already gone through the doc of Inventory closing from MS , I need understanding technically on it 

  • SarikaS Profile Picture
    SarikaS 40 on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    Hello Peter Ligteringen,

    Do you have any suggestions on this ? How  we can achieve this architecture of controlling set of batch tasks executing at one go ?

  • SarikaS Profile Picture
    SarikaS 40 on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    Hello goshoom : Thank you for response .

    You can check this batch helper thing in inventory closing batch job , its basically controlling how many batch tasks should be created at one go and once that complete executing then next batch tasks are added , please refer to my detail explanation in above reply

  • SarikaS Profile Picture
    SarikaS 40 on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    Hello Peter Ligteringen

    Thank you for response,

    Yes , so we already have one batch task per store but if you have ever checked how the Inventory closing works at runtime , you must have seen once some number of tasks, this depends on parameter value set on batch helper , if it is 5 then only 5 batch tasks are created at a time and once that complete executing then the next 5 will get created and so on...till the last set starts and finish at finishing iteration level task.

    So you see we are controlling how many task we actually want to execute at a time.

    Now , what is happening if suppose I have 100 stores all 100 batch tasks gets added and all starts executing at the same time due to this the complete CPU is utilized and we face performance issues. 

    I want to control the number of batch task to be added at a time , but Microsoft has made this feature only in Inventory closing and no where else in complete AX , and this architecture I want to achieve in some other batch jobs as well (we are using more than 800 + batch jobs currently and some has vast data to process).

  • RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    The invent closing process creates a list of items to process and stores this list in a table (inventclosinglist). Then is starts the first calcualation helper process, even from the main process. The calculation helper process picks the first item from the list and processes it. After it is finished with the first item, marks it as finished in the list and goes on to the next item. A second, third etc calculation helper will also process items from the same list.

    I doubt this would be the best way to solve your problem. Your posting can be split into smaller chunks. You can create a seperate batch task per store or per group of stores. So you will have multiple batch task that can be executed in parallel.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 231,436 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    I can't tell you anything about "batch helper concept architecture", because I don't know what you mean by that. Don't you mean batch tasks?

  • SarikaS Profile Picture
    SarikaS 40 on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    No one has idea on this ? goshoom  nmaenpaa Sukrut Parab

  • SarikaS Profile Picture
    SarikaS 40 on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    Hello  Andre Arnaud de Calavon 

    Thank you for response , yes I have checked on LCS there has been no fixes available in recent for performance.

    Also , firstly I need to understand implementation of extra batch helper concept architecture , as this I need to implement in few more other batch jobs as well.

    Lets forget about retail statement posting as of now , only if someone can help me to get extra batch helper architecture concept

  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,516 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    Hi Sarika,

    I have moved the question to the Dynamics AX forum.

    As mentioned, the retail statement posting is not easy. Let's wait and see if there are volunteers on this forum with the experience to change the process. Have you also searched on LCS issue search if there are fixes available for performance improvements for the retail statement posting?

  • SarikaS Profile Picture
    SarikaS 40 on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    Can anyone please help me on the architecture needed to implement extra batch helper?

  • SarikaS Profile Picture
    SarikaS 40 on at
    RE: Implementation of Extra Batch helpers in Retail posting batch job

    Hello Andre Arnaud de Calavon  : Yes , its AX 2012 only

    I have also read about Sysoperation framenwork , but as I mentioned this Retail statement posting batch job is MS std and using Run Base batch framework , customer is extensively using it and we are facing a lot of performance issue (so exactly what happens is - statement posting for all stores starts at the same time , all task are executing simultaneously which causes performance issue , we now aim to control task execution with extra batch helper concept , so if you see in Inventory closing , how many extra batch helper we define in parameter that many tasks starts executing only and once its finished then only next bundles starts , but the thing is Inventory closing involves a lot more complex logic and its hard to understand the complete batch job and then to implement that concept in retail statement posting )

    Therefore , I want if anyone has detail understanding of its architecture (extra batch helper) and used it before.

    Also , on internet there has been no blogs for extra batch helper concept

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